Saturday, November 15, 2008

The Benefit of Hiring A Wedding Director For Your Rehearsal & Ceremony

The Benefit of Hiring A Wedding Director For Your Rehearsal & Ceremony

When you think of a wedding director, think of a famous Hollywood director whose job is to have all the actors in place when he or she shouts "Action." The wedding director is there to orchestrate the event. Armistead Events wedding directors are trained, experienced and have directed hundreds of weddings. The director is there to make sure flowers get distributed to attendants and family and to cue the guest book and program attendants when it is time for them to be in place. He or she makes sure the photographer and/or videographer are ready, the ushers are ready to escort the guests to their seats and that the musician or musicians are cued when it is time to start the prelude. The director will make sure the grandparents and parents are seated at the appropriate time, that the celebrant, groom and ushers are ready and in place, that the flower girl and ring bearer are in place and that the bride and bridesmaids are ready to stroll down the aisle with their beautiful bouquets held just right. The director will make sure that any special traditions the bride and groom wish to observe happen at the appropriate time.
Great weddings don't just happen. Guests don't notice when timing is working well; they only notice when it is not. The director meets with the bride and groom prior to the rehearsal to make sure all the details for the rehearsal and ceremony are covered and a schedule has been created. There are direction and entertainment packages available for the reception too. The director will conduct the rehearsal. Having a non-family member conduct the rehearsal is a great bonus. There may be attendants or family coming that have not seen each other for quite some time. If they know you have hired a director they will be more willing to cooperate and not treat the rehearsal as a family reunion or time to catch up on the latest news. They will know it is serious and the faster everyone is confident with what they need to do for the ceremony the quicker everyone gets to the rehearsal dinner where there will be plenty of time to enjoy the company of those you have chosen to be a part of your ceremony.
The wedding director gives the bride and her family the chance to really enjoy the wedding without worry. It is the director who is there to handle any unforeseen crises that may arise. Many recent brides would assure you that a wedding director is essential and well-worth the price.
Finding qualified and experienced wedding directors can be a challenge. Armistead Events has certified wedding directors on staff. An Armistead Events wedding director will make sure the bride's wishes are executed on her wedding day.

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